Monday, January 14, 2008

Negative Campaigns

The Democrats have to stop.

Really, just stop. I don't think the people that run these campaigns are as in touch with the voters as they want to think they are. Some pundits claim negative campaigns are necessary, I don't think they are and I think candidates do a disservice to themselves when they resort to these tactics.

Candidates contrasting themselves with other candidates is all good, but when the line is crossed to then put the candidate down in any way, then the whole thing takes on a new meaning. To be fair, the media rarely helps when this happens.

Obama has been very good at not playing the race card, yet, his campaign keeps getting accused of doing so. On the other hand, I really feel that the comments Hillary made about Dr. King are also being taken out of context.

The sad part is that these things are being done not by the candidates, but people supporting them. Still, it is up to the candidates to set the record straight and move on to the actual issues.

And please, this is a message to people supporting Hillary. Stop bringing Obama's past regarding drug use up. He was open about it, wrote about it. Someone already tried to use this against him and it backfired. Stop doing it. It doesn't help Hillary's case at all. She's enough of a candidate that she doesn't need this kind of defense.

All three candidates are excellent candidates. They have differences in opinions on how to handle certain issues, but that's fine. Please, do not fall in a trap that does have the potential to divide the Democrats when the time of the general election is upon us. I heard today on MSNBC a senior adviser of Hillary say she didn't believe for one second that this whole thing could divide the party.

I heard that, and all I could do was roll my eyes.

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